
How Many Animals Are Extinct Since 1962

Biodiversity of big mammal species per continent earlier and after humans' inflow

2 extinct in the wild mammalian species (0.03%) 203 critically endangered mammalian species (3.5%) 505 endangered mammalian species (8.7%) 536 vulnerable mammalian species (9.3%) 345 near threatened mammalian species (6.0%) 3306 least concern mammalian species (57%) 872 data deficient mammalian species (15%)

Circle frame.svg

  • Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
  • Critically endangered (CR): 203 species
  • Endangered (EN): 505 species
  • Vulnerable (VU): 536 species
  • Nearly threatened (NT): 345 species
  • Least business organisation (LC): 3,306 species
  • Data deficient (DD): 872 species

Mammalian species (IUCN, 2020-1)

  • 5850 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4978 of those are fully assessed[a]
  • 3651 are non threatened at present[b]
  • 1244 to 2116 are threatened[c]
  • 81 to 83 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 81 extinct (EX) species[d]
    • 2 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 0 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. ^ excludes information scarce evaluations.
  2. ^ NT and LC.
  3. ^ Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. ^ Nautical chart omits extinct (EX) species

Recently extinct mammals are defined past the International Spousal relationship for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as whatever mammals that accept get extinct since the year 1500 CE.[1] Since then, roughly 80 mammal species have become extinct.[two]

Extinction of taxa is difficult to confirm, as a long gap without a sighting is non definitive, only earlier 1995 a threshold of 50 years without a sighting was used to declare extinction.[one]

1 study institute that extinction from habitat loss is the hardest to observe, equally this might only fragment populations to the point of concealment from humans. Some mammals declared as extinct may very well reappear.[1] For example, a study constitute that 36% of purported mammalian extinction had been resolved, while the residual either had validity issues (insufficient evidence) or had been rediscovered.[3]

As of December 2015, the IUCN listed 30 mammalian species every bit "critically endangered (maybe extinct)".[iv]

Conventions [edit]

All species listed as "Extinct" are classified as being extinct (no known remaining individuals left) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). All species listed as Extinct in the wild are classified as being extinct in the wild, significant that all remaining individuals of the species reside in captivity. All species listed as "Perchance extinct" are classified equally being critically endangered, equally it is unknown whether or not these species are extinct.[5] Extinct subspecies such as the Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica)[vi] are not listed here as the species, in this example Panthera tigris, is still extant. The IUCN Redlist classification for each species serves as a citation, and the superscripted "IUCN" by the date is a link to that species' page. A range map is provided wherever available, and a description of their former or current range is given if a range map is not available.

Causes of extinction [edit]

Habitat degradation is currently the main anthropogenic cause of species extinctions. The main cause of habitat degradation worldwide is agriculture, with urban sprawl, logging, mining and some fishing practices shut behind. The physical destruction of a habitat, both direct (deforestation for land evolution or lumber) and indirectly (burning fossil fuels), is an case of this.[7] [8]

Too, increasing toxicity, through media such as pesticides, tin kill off a species very quickly, by killing all living members through contamination or sterilizing them. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), for case, can bioaccumulate to hazardous levels, getting increasingly more unsafe farther up the nutrient chain.[9]

Illness can also be a cistron: white nose syndrome in bats, for instance, is causing a substantial turn down in their populations and may even lead to the extinction of a species.[x]

Overhunting likewise has an touch on. Terrestrial mammals, such as the tiger and deer, are mainly hunted for their pelts and in some cases meat, and marine mammals can be hunted for their oil and leather. Specific targeting of one species can be problematic to the ecosystem considering the sudden demise of ane species can inadvertently lead to the demise of some other (coextinction) especially if the targeted species is a keystone species. Sea otters, for example, were hunted in the maritime fur trade, and their drib in population led to the ascension in body of water urchins—their master food source—which decreased the population of kelp—the sea urchin's and Steller'southward body of water cow'southward principal food source—leading to the extinction of the Steller'due south sea cow.[11] The hunting of an already limited species tin can easily pb to its extinction, every bit with the bluebuck whose range was confined to 1,700 square miles (4,400 km2) and which was hunted into extinction soon after discovery by European settlers.[12]

Commonwealth of australia [edit]

Island creatures are usually owned to only that island, and that limited range and small population can leave them vulnerable to sudden changes.[13] While Australia is a continent and non an isle, due to its geographical isolation, its unique fauna has suffered an extreme refuse in mammal species, 10% of its 273 terrestrial mammals, since European settlement (a loss of 1 to two species per decade); in contrast, only one species in North America has get extinct since European settlement. Furthermore, 21% of Commonwealth of australia's mammals are threatened, and different in virtually other continents, the main cause is predation by feral species, such as cats.[14]

Extinct species [edit]

A species is alleged extinct after exhaustive surveys of all potential habitats eliminate all reasonable doubt that the terminal individual of a species, whether in the wild or in captivity, has died.[15] Recently extinct species are defined past the IUCN as becoming extinct after 1500 CE.[i]

Common proper noun Binomial name Order Date of extinction Former range Motion-picture show
Wide-faced potoroo Potorous platyops
Gould, 1844
Diprotodontia 1875 one Australia BroadFacedPotoroo.jpg
Eastern hare wallaby Lagorchestes leporides
Gould, 1841
Diprotodontia 1889 1 Eastern Hare Wallaby Distribution Map.png
Lagorchestes leporides Gould.jpg
Lake Mackay hare-wallaby Lagorchestes asomatus
Finlayson, 1943
Diprotodontia 1932 one Australia
Desert rat-kangaroo Caloprymnus campestris
Gould, 1843
Diprotodontia 1935 1 Desert Rat Kangaroo Distribution Map.png
or Tasmanian wolf/tiger
Thylacinus cynocephalus
Harris, 1808
Dasyuromorphia 1936 1 ThylacineRangeMap.png
Australia, Tasmania
Toolache wallaby Macropus greyi
Waterhouse, 1846
Diprotodontia 1939 one Australia Macropus greyi - Gould.jpg
Desert bandicoot Perameles eremiana
Spencer, 1837
Peramelemorphia 1943 1 Australia Perameles eremiana.jpg
New South Wales barred bandicoot[sixteen] Perameles fasciata
Gray, 1841
Peramelemorphia mid-19th century Commonwealth of australia Gerard Krefft - Western barred Bandicoot, Perameles bougainville - Google Art Project.jpg
Southwestern barred bandicoot[sixteen] Perameles myosuros
Wagner, 1841
Peramelemorphia mid-19th century Australia Perameles bougainville - Gould.jpg
Southern barred bandicoot[sixteen] Perameles notina
Thomas, 1922
Peramelemorphia mid-19th century Australia
Ooldea barred bandicoot[16] Perameles papillon
Travouillon & Phillips, 2018
Peramelemorphia early 20th century Australia
Bottom bilby,
or Yallara
Macrotis leucura
Thomas, 1887
Peramelemorphia 1960s i Lesser Bilby Distribution Map 2.0.png
Southern pig-footed bandicoot Chaeropus ecaudatus
Ogilby, 1838
Peramelemorphia 1950s ane Pig-footed Bandicoot Distribution Map.png
Northern sus scrofa-footed bandicoot Chaeropus yirratji
Travouillon et al., 2019
Peramelemorphia 1950s Pig-footed Bandicoot Distribution Map.png Mus Nat Hist Nat 25022013 Chaeropus ecaudatus.jpg
Crescent boom-tail wallaby Onychogalea lunata
Gould, 1841
Diprotodontia 1956 ane Commonwealth of australia (western and fundamental) Onychogalea lunata.jpg
Ruby-red-bellied gracile opossum,
or red-bellied gracile mouse opossum
Cryptonanus ignitus
Díaz, Flores and Barquez, 2002
Didelphimorphia 1962 i Argentina
Nullarbor dwarf bettong Bettongia pusilla
McNamara, 1997
Diprotodontia early 1500s one Australia (Nullarbor Plain)
Steller's sea cow Hydrodamalis gigas
von Zimmermann, 1780
Sirenia 1768 i Commander Islands (Russia, The states) Em - Hydrodamalis gigas model.jpg
Bramble Cay melomys Melomys rubicola
Thomas, 1924
Rodentia 2016 i Commonwealth of australia (Bramble Cay) Bramble-cay-melomys.jpg
Oriente cave rat Boromys offella
Miller, 1916
Rodentia early 1500s ane Cuba Boromys.offella.bmcz.jpg
Torre's cavern rat Boromys torrei
Allen, 1917
Rodentia early 1500s 1 Cuba Boromys.torrei.bmcz.jpg
Imposter hutia Hexolobodon phenax
Miller, 1929
Rodentia early 1500s 1 Hispaniola (currently Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
Montane hutia Isolobodon montanus
Miller, 1922
Rodentia early 1500s ane Hispaniola
Dwarf viscacha Lagostomus crassus
Thomas, 1910
Rodentia early on 1900s one Republic of peru
Galápagos giant rat Megaoryzomys curioi
Niethammer, 1964
Rodentia 1500s i Santa Cruz Island (Galápagos) Megaoryzomys curioi skull.JPG
Cuban coney Geocapromys columbianus
Chapman, 1892
Rodentia early 1500s one Republic of cuba
Hispaniolan edible rat Brotomys voratus
Miller, 1916
Rodentia 1536–1546 ane Hispaniola
Puerto Rican hutia Isolobodon portoricensis
Allen, 1916
Rodentia early 1900s i Hispaniola; introduced to Puerto Rico, Saint Thomas Island, Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands and Mona Isle
Big-eared hopping mouse Notomys macrotis
Thomas, 1921
Rodentia 1843 1 Commonwealth of australia (key Western Australia)
Darling Downs hopping mouse Notomys mordax
Thomas, 1921
Rodentia 1846 1 Commonwealth of australia (Darling Downs, Queensland)
White-footed rabbit-rat Conilurus albipes
Lichtenstein, 1829
Rodentia early 1860s 1 Australia (eastern coast) Conilurus albipes - Gould.jpg
Capricorn rabbit rat Conilurus capricornensis
Cramb and Hocknull, 2010
Rodentia early 1500s ane Commonwealth of australia (Queensland)
Short-tailed hopping mouse Notomys amplus
Brazenor, 1936
Rodentia 1896 1 Commonwealth of australia (Great Sandy Desert)
Long-tailed hopping mouse Notomys longicaudatus
Gould, 1844
Rodentia 1901 one Australia
Great hopping mouse Notomys robustus
Mahoney, Smith and Medlin, 2008
Rodentia mid-1800s 1 Commonwealth of australia (Flinders and Davenport Ranges)
Desmarest's pilorie,
or Martinique giant rice rat
Megalomys desmarestii
Fischer, 1829
Rodentia 1902 one Martinique Mus Nat Hist Nat 25022013 Megalomys desmarestii.jpg
Saint Lucia pilorie,
or Saint Lucia behemothic rice rat
Megalomys luciae
Major, 1901
Rodentia 1881 ane Saint Lucia Mus Nat Hist Nat 25022013 Megalomys luciae.jpg
Bulldog rat Rattus nativitatis
Thomas, 1888
Rodentia 1903 i Christmas Island Rattus nativitatis.jpg
Maclear's rat Rattus macleari
Thomas, 1887
Rodentia 1903 1 Christmas Island MusMacleariSmit.jpg
Darwin'southward Galápagos mouse Nesoryzomys darwini
Osgood, 1929
Rodentia 1930 ane Galápagos Islands
Gould's mouse Pseudomys gouldii
Waterhouse, 1839
Rodentia 1930 1 Australia (southern half) Pseudomys gouldii - Gould.jpg
Plains rat,
or Palyoora
Pseudomys auritus
Thomas, 1910
Rodentia early 1800s 1 Australia (Kangaroo Island and the Younghusband Peninsula)
Pemberton's deer mouse Peromyscus pembertoni
Burt, 1932
Rodentia 1931 ane San Pedro Nolasco Island, Mexico
Samaná hutia Plagiodontia ipnaeum
Johnson, 1948
Rodentia early 1500s [a] one Hispaniola
Hispaniola monkey Antillothrix bernensis
MacPhee, Horovitz, Arredondo, & Jimenez Vasquez, 1995
Primates early on 16th century Hispaniola (currently Dominican Republic)
Lesser stick-nest rat,
or white-tipped stick-nest rat
Leporillus apicalis
John Gould, 1854
Rodentia 1933 1 Australia (west-fundamental) Leporillus apicalis - Gould.jpg
Indefatigable Galápagos mouse Nesoryzomys indefessus
Thomas, 1899
Rodentia 1934 1 Galápagos Islands
Piffling Swan Island hutia Geocapromys thoracatus
True, 1888
Rodentia 1955 one Swan Islands, Honduras Geocapromys thoracatus (Harvard University).JPG
Blue-greyness mouse Pseudomys glaucus
Thomas, 1910
Rodentia 1956 1 Commonwealth of australia (Queensland, New South Wales)
Buhler'south coryphomys
or Buhler's rat
Coryphomys buehleri
Schaub, 1937
Rodentia early 1500s ane Westward Timor, Indonesia
Insular cavern rat Heteropsomys insulans
Anthony, 1916
Rodentia early 1500s 1 Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
Candango mouse Juscelinomys candango
Moojen, 1965
Rodentia 1960 one Cardinal Brazil
Anthony's woodrat Neotoma anthonyi
Allen, 1898
Rodentia 1926 1 Isla Todos Santos, Mexico
Bunker's woodrat Neotoma bunkeri
Burt, 1932
Rodentia 1931 1 Coronado Islands, Mexico
Vespucci'south rodent Noronhomys vespuccii
Carleton and Olson, 1999
Rodentia 1500 1 Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
St. Vincent colilargo,
or St. Vincent pygmy rice rat
Oligoryzomys victus
Thomas, 1898
Rodentia 1892 i Saint Vincent
Jamaican rice rat Oryzomys antillarum
Thomas, 1898
Rodentia 1877 one Jamaica Oryzomys antillarum Ray.png
Nelson's rice rat Oryzomys nelsoni
Merriam, 1889
Rodentia 1897 1 Islas Marías, Mexico Oryzomys nelsoni dorsal.png
Nevis rice rat,
or St. Eustatius rice rat, St. Kitts rice rat
Pennatomys nivalis
Turvey, Weksler, Morris, and Nokkert, 2010
Rodentia early 1500s [b] 1 Sint Eustatius and Saint Kitts and Nevis Pennatomys-range2.svg
Christmas Island pipistrelle Pipistrellus murrayi
Andrews, 1900
Chiroptera 2009 ane Christmas Island
Sardinian pika Prolagus sardus
Wagner, 1832
Lagomorpha 1774 1 Corsica and Sardinia Prolagus3.jpg
Marcano's solenodon Solenodon marcanoi
Patterson, 1962
Eulipotyphla 1500s 1 Dominican Republic
Puerto Rican nesophontes Nesophontes edithae
Anthony, 1916
Eulipotyphla early 1500s i Puerto Rico, Vieques Isle, Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rican shrew.jpg
Atalaye nesophontes Nesophontes hypomicrus
Miller, 1929
Eulipotyphla early 1500s i Hispaniola
Greater Cuban nesophontes Nesophontes major
Arredondo, 1970
Eulipotyphla early 1500s ane Republic of cuba
Western Cuban nesophontes Nesophontes micrus
Allen, 1917
Eulipotyphla early on 1500s 1 Cuba (including Isla de la Juventud)
St. Michel nesophontes Nesophontes paramicrus
Miller, 1929
Eulipotyphla early 1500s 1 Hispaniola
Haitian nesophontes Nesophontes zamicrus
Miller, 1929
Eulipotyphla early 1500s 1 Haiti
Lesser Mascarene flight trick,
or night flying fox
Pteropus subniger
kerr, 1792
Chiroptera 1864 1 Réunion, Republic of mauritius Pteropus subniger.jpg
Guam flying fox,
or Guam fruit bat
Pteropus tokudae
Tate, 1934
Chiroptera 1968 1 Guam
Dusky flying fox,
or Percy Island flight fox
Pteropus brunneus
Dobson, 1878
Chiroptera 1870 1 Percy Islands (Australia)
Big Palau flying fox Pteropus pilosus
Andersen, 1908
Chiroptera 1874 1 Palau
Big sloth lemur Palaeopropithecus ingens
Grandidier, 1899
Primate 1620 1 Palaeopropithecus range map.svg
In green
Palaeopropithecus ingens.jpg
Aurochs Bos primigenius
Bojanus, 1827
Artiodactyla 1627 1 Bos primigenius map.jpg Aurochs and modern lion reconstruction - Greece during the Roman period.png
Bluebuck Hippotragus leucophaeus
Pallas, 1766
Artiodactyla 1800 i LocationBluebuckRange.gif The book of antelopes (1894) Hippotragus leucophaeus.png
Ruby gazelle Eudorcas rufina
Thomas, 1894
Artiodactyla late 1800s 1 Algeria Eudorcas rufina.jpg
Schomburgk's deer Rucervus schomburgki
Blyth, 1863
Artiodactyla 1932 1 Thailand SchomburgksDeer-Berlin1911.jpg
Queen of Sheba's gazelle,
or Republic of yemen gazelle
Gazella bilkis
Grover and Lay, 1985
Artiodactyla 1951 ane Yemen
Madagascan dwarf hippopotamus Hippopotamus lemerlei
Milne-Edwards, 1868
Artiodactyla early on 1500s [c] ane Republic of madagascar Malagasy Hippopotamus.jpg
Falkland Islands wolf or warrah Dusicyon australis
Kerr, 1792
Carnivora 1876 1 Falkland Islands FalklandIslandFox2.jpg
Burmeister's play a joke on Dusicyon avus
Burmeister, 1866
Carnivora early on 1500s 1 Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay
Sea mink Neogale macrodon
Prentiss, 1903
Carnivora 1894 one United States (Maine, Massachusetts) and Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland)
Japanese sea lion Zalophus japonicus
Peters, 1866
Carnivora 1970s 1 Japan, Korea, Russian federation Zalophus japonicus.JPG
Caribbean monk seal Neomonachus tropicalis
Gray, 1850
Carnivora 1952 ane Caribbean Sea Cms-newyorkzoologicalsociety1910.jpg
Giant fossa Cryptoprocta spelea
Grandidier, 1902
Carnivora before 1658 1 Cryptoprocta subfossil range map.svg Fossa de les cavernes.png

Extinct in the wild [edit]

A species that is extinct in the wild is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as only known by living members kept in captivity or equally a naturalized population outside its historic range due to massive habitat loss. A species is declared extinct in the wild after thorough surveys have inspected its historic range and failed to find evidence of a surviving private.[15]

Common name Binomial name Guild Date of extinction Former range Picture
Père David's deer Elaphurus davidianus
Milne-Edwards, 1866
Artiodactyla 1939 1 China Pere David Deer - Woburn Deer Park (5115883164).jpg
Scimitar oryx Oryx dammah
Cretzschmar, 1827
Artiodactyla 2000 1 Sahara Desert Scimitar oryx1.jpg

Possibly extinct [edit]

Extinction of taxa is difficult to detect, as a long gap without a sighting is not definitive. Some mammals declared as extinct may very well reappear.[1] For example, a written report found that 36% of purported mammalian extinction had been resolved, while the rest either had validity issues (insufficient evidence) or had been rediscovered.[3] As of December 2015, the IUCN listed 30 mammalian species equally "critically endangered (possibly extinct)".[four]

Common proper name Binomial name Order Last confirmed sighting Range Picture
or Forest ox
Bos sauveli
Urbain, 1937
Artiodactyla 1988 one Bos sauveli distribution.svg
Garrido's hutia Capromys garridoi
Varona, 1970
Rodentia 1989 ane [ dead link ] Cayo Maja, Republic of cuba
Christmas Island shrew Crocidura trichura
Dobson, 1889
Eulipotyphla 1985 1 Christmas Island Shrew area.png
Wimmer's shrew Crocidura wimmeri
de Balsac and Aellen, 1958
Eulipotyphla 1976 1 Wimmer's Shrew area.png
De Winton'due south golden mole Cryptochloris wintoni
Broom, 1907
Eulipotyphla 1937 1 De Winton's Golden Mole area.png
Fuegian domestic dog Lycalopex culpaeus
Bridges, 1919
Lycalopex 1919 1 Argentina Fuegian dog (1863).jpg
or Yangtze river dolphin
Lipotes vexillifer
Miller, 1918
Cetacea 2002 [d] 1 Cetacea range map Chinese River Dolphin.PNG Lipotes vexillifer.png
Zuniga's dark rice rat Melanomys zunigae
Rodentia 1949 i Republic of peru
Dwarf hutia Mesocapromys nanus
Allen, 1917
Rodentia 1937 one Ciénaga de Zapata,
San Felipe hutia,
or Fiddling earth hutia
Mesocapromys sanfelipensis
Varona & Garrido, 1970
Rodentia 1978 i Republic of cuba
One-striped opossum Monodelphis unistriata
Wagner, 1842
Didelphimorphia 1899 1 Single-striped Opossum area.png
Gloomy tube-nosed bat Murina tenebrosa
Yoshiyuki, 1970
Chiroptera 1962 ane Tsushima Isle and possibly Yaku Isle,
New Zealand greater short-tailed bat Mystacina robusta
Dwyer, 1962
Chiroptera 1967 1 Big Due south Cape Island, New Zealand Mystacina robusta specimen from Auckland Museum.jpg
Ethiopian amphibious rat,
or Ethiopian water mouse
Nilopegamys plumbeus
Osgood, 1928
Rodentia 1920s 1 Rima oris of the Lesser Abay River,
Lord Howe long-eared bat Nyctophilus howensis
McKean, 1975
Chiroptera 1972 1 Lord Howe Island, Australia
Angel Island mouse Peromyscus guardia
Townsend, 1912
Rodentia 1991 1 Isla Ángel de la Guarda,
Puebla deer mouse Peromyscus mekisturus
Merriam, 1898
Rodentia 1950s 1 Ciudad Serdan and Tehuacán,
Telefomin cuscus Phalanger matanim
Flannery, 1987
Diprotodontia 1997 1 Telefomin Cuscus area.png
Montane monkey-faced bat Pteralopex pulchra
Flannery, 1991
Chiroptera 1990s ane Montane Monkey-faced Bat area.png
Aru flight play tricks Pteropus aruensis
Peter, 1867
Chiroptera 1877 ane Aru Flying Fox area.png
Emma's giant rat Uromys emmae
Groves and Flannery, 1994
Rodentia 1990s 1 Papua Province,
Emperor rat Uromys imperator
Thomas, 1888
Rodentia 1888 ane Guadalcanal,
Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal rat Uromys porculus
Thomas, 1904
Rodentia 1888 1 Guadalcanal,
Solomon Islands
Primal rock rat Zyzomys pedunculatus
Waite, 1896
Rodentia 2001 [east] ane Zyzomys pedunculatus map.svg Zyzomys pedunculatus.jpg
Malabar large-spotted civet,
or Malabar civet
Viverra civettina
Blyth, 1862
Carnivora tardily 1900s [f] 1 Malabar Large-spotted Civet area.png

Run across besides [edit]

  • Holocene extinction
  • List of extinct animals
  • List of extinct birds
  • Lists of mammals by population

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ A 1985 study suggested they may have survived into the 1900s based on local legends of the "comadreja"
  2. ^ In that location were reports of unusual rats on Nevis beingness eaten by islanders in the 1930s.[17]
  3. ^ Although, 14C dating points their extinction at 1000 C. E., a 1991 study found they coexisted with humans and survived into the 1500s.[xviii]
  4. ^ The species may be functionally extinct.[19]
  5. ^ The species was presumed extinct until it was rediscovered in 1996. At that place was a possible discovery in 2015.[20]
  6. ^ The last confirmed sighting is unknown and their range in the wild is unconfirmed. Camera traps in Karnataka, their presumed habitat, found no individuals after 1,084 nights in 2006.[21]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d east Fisher, Diana O.; Blomberg, Simon P. (2011). "Correlates of rediscovery and the detectability of extinction in mammals". Proceedings of the Purple Society B: Biological Sciences. 278 (1708): 1090–1097. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.1579. PMC3049027. PMID 20880890.
  2. ^ Ceballos, G.; Ehrlich, A. H.; Ehrlich, P. R. (2015). The Anything of Nature: Human being Extinction of Birds and Mammals. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins Academy Printing. ISBN 1421417189. "69"
  3. ^ a b Macphee, Ross D. E.; Flemming, Clare (1999). "Requiem Æternam: the last five hundred years of mammalian species extinctions". In MacPhee, Ross D. E.; Sues, Hans-Dieter (eds.). Extinctions in Near Time. Advances in Vertebrate Paleobiology. Vol. 2. ISBN978-1-4419-3315-7.
  4. ^ a b "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Matrimony for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 3 December 2015.
  5. ^ "Perchance Extinct and Possibly Extinct in the Wild Species" (PDF). IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species. 2016. Retrieved 29 August 2016.
  6. ^ Jackson, P.; Nowell, K. (2008). "Panthera tigris ssp. sondaica". IUCN Red Listing of Threatened Species. 2008: east.T41681A10509194. doi:ten.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T41681A10509194.en . Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  7. ^ Primack, R. B. (2006). "Habitat destruction". Essentials of Conservation Biological science (4th ed.). Sunderland, MA.: Sinauer Assembly. pp. 177–188. ISBN978-0-87893-720-2.
  8. ^ Winkelmann, Ricarda; Levermann, Anders; Ridgwell, Andy; Caldeira, Ken (2015). "Combustion of available fossil fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet". Science Advances. one (eight): e1500589. Bibcode:2015SciA....1E0589W. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500589. PMC4643791. PMID 26601273.
  9. ^ Kelly, B. C.; Ikonomou, 1000. G.; Blair, J. D.; Morin, A. E.; Gobas, F. A. P. C. (2007). "Nutrient Web-Specific Biomagnification of Persistent Organic Pollutants". Science. 317 (5835): 236–239. Bibcode:2007Sci...317..236K. doi:10.1126/scientific discipline.1138275. PMID 17626882. S2CID 52835862.
  10. ^ Langwig, K.E.; W.F. Frick; J.T. Bried; A.C. Hicks; T.H. Kunz; A.M. Kilpatrick (2012). "Sociality, density-dependence and microclimates determine the persistence of populations suffering from a novel fungal disease, white-nose syndrome". Ecology Letters. 15 (1): 1050–1057. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01829.x. PMID 22747672.
  11. ^ Estes, James A.; Burdin, Alexander; Doak, Daniel F. (2016). "Sea otters, kelp forests, and the extinction of Steller's ocean cow". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Usa. 113 (four): 880–885. Bibcode:2016PNAS..113..880E. doi:10.1073/pnas.1502552112. PMC4743786. PMID 26504217.
  12. ^ Husson, A. M.; Holthuis, L. B. (1969). "On the type of Antilope leucophaea preserved in the collection of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie Leiden". Zoologische Mededelingen. 44: 147–157.
  13. ^ van der Geer, Alexandra; Lyras, George; de Vos, John; Dermitzakis, Michael (2010). Evolution of Island Mammals: Adaptation and Extinction of Placental Mammals on Islands. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 225–227. ISBN978-1-4051-9009-1.
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