

Sync designs from popular design tools

Overflow integrates with Adobe XD and Photoshop, Sketch, and Figma, allowing you to quickly and seamlessly sync your designs.

Resync to apply design changes

Iterate on your designs and resync to transfer visual changes over. Your connectors automatically adapt to your updated artboards.

Prototyping links are preserved

Prototyping links added in your design tool can optionally be transferred into Overflow as connectors, giving you a head-start in creating your user flow.

Three arrows connecting Sketch, Figma and Adobe XD to Overflow.


Connect layers to screens

Drag connectors from any layer on your artboard. When synced from a design tool, all layers are transferred without the need to create hotspots.

A connector starts from one screen's layer and ends in another screen.

Fully customizable connectors

Change connectors to match your brand identity or personal style. You can edit colors, starting and ending points, labels, and more.

Three connectors in different colors and styles, one in grey, one in yellow, and one in blue

Create logical flows

Use shapes to illustrate decision trees and conditional flows.

A decision tree starting from a diamond shape with two possible outcomes, depending on the user's sign in status.

Speed up your work with styles

The Overflow styles editor allows you to maintain consistency across your designs by globally updating the styles of connectors, texts, shapes and device skins.

A drop-down menu with different text styles to choose from.

Annotate and add context

Use text and shapes to add detail to your presentation and make it more intuitive for your audience to follow.

A collection of different shapes and text fields, with the message 'Type Something'.

Apply device skins with one click

Increase presentability and consistency by wrapping your artboards with device skins. Overflow automatically detects the most applicable skin for commonly used devices.

Two identical design screens side by side, the right one wrapped in an iPhone skin.

Draw hotspots

Mark interaction areas on imported screenshots by drawing hotspots and apply connectors to other screens.

A highlighted blue area marks a new hotspot on a hand-written wireframe.

Use boards to organize your flows

Create user flow diagrams of any size. Organize them into subflows and split them into multiple boards for easier presentation and navigation.

Overflow's sidebar, showing a presentation with two separate boards.


Interactive and playable user flows

Easily navigate between your screens by clicking on the interactive areas and connectors or by using the handy keyboard shortcuts.

Zoom, pan, and scroll with ease

Overflow's zooming and panning keeps your audience engaged, while you narrate your design story. Zoom out to see the big picture or back in to focus on details.

Overflow's presentation mode interface in light theme.

Rapid prototyping out of the box

Present your designs as a rapid prototype without any extra effort.

Keyboard shortcuts that really help

Be a maestro of your own presentation with handy keyboard shortcuts that allow you to navigate, switch between presentation modes and apply different zoom levels.

Overflow's prototype mode interface in dark theme.


Share your work online

Upload your user flows to the Overflow Cloud and get a share link that you can send to anyone. Recipients are not required to install the Overflow app.

Overflow's sharing module, showing a finished share link.

Shares playable on any device

Your share links are playable on any device - desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile. All you need is a web or mobile browser.

The same Overflow presentation inside a tablet and a phone screen side by side.

Passphrase-protected share links

You can optionally passphrase-protect your share link for increased security.

A highlight of the switch that allows you to passphrase-protect a share link within Overflow.

Share in popular collaboration tools

Overflow presentations can be shared and viewed in popular collaboration tools, such as Slack, Jira, Confluence, Dropbox, and more.

A grid of popular collaboration tool logos, such as Slack , JIRA, and Dropbox.

Embed user flows anywhere

Embed a playable version of your Overflow presentation on websites, blogs - pretty much anywhere online!

A preview of Overflow's embedding module.

Print and Stitch

Print your user flow diagrams on paper of any size or on multiple sheets and stitch them together to put up for display on a wall.

A print preview icon.

Export to PDF & PNG

Export your entire user flow or individual boards in PDF or PNG format. Old school? Maybe… but sometimes you may need to!

An icon of a folder, containing PDF and image files.

Share Overflow documents

Since Overflow is a desktop app, you can share Overflow documents by attaching them to emails, saving them in shared folders, etc.

An icon of an Overflow document getting tucked into a folder.



Invite peers and stakeholders to leave comments anywhere on your Overflow presentation.

A user avatar with a speech bubble next to three wireframes of other people's comments.


Get notified by email whenever someone leaves a new comment.

A series of three notifications and a little envelope icon.


Attract the attention of peers and stakeholders by mentioning them in comments.

A drop down menu of users to choose from, in order to leave a written mention.


One account for the entire team

Solo or part of a team? Overflow can accommodate any number of macOS or Windows users in one single team account for easy sharing and collaboration.

Organize share links in folders

Create personal folders on the Overflow Cloud to keep your private share links. Create team folders so that teammates can access common share links.

Download Overflow source files

The underlying source files of share links are available for download through the Overflow Cloud for further editing.

A sequence of user avatars over an Overflow team view interface window.